So…you have decided that you would like to study in the USA. Congratulations on making this decision! Now it is time for the real work. Deciding what you want to study, where you want to study and figuring out how you are going to pay for it should be your top three priorities right now.

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Here are a few questions to ask yourself BEFORE you start your search:
Do I want a college or a university?
What is an Associate’s Degree?
Starting the search for the “right” university for you!
Remember….the more time and thought that you invest in this process, the better you will feel about your choice and the more likely you will make the “right” decision. To learn more, watch for the next article “Using your resources to help you find the Right school for you! We will tell you about the “resources” you have and how you can use them in your search.
Jim Crawley is a Director of University Partner Relations for ELS Educational Services. Mr. Crawley has nearly 20 years in university admissions and was responsible for starting the international recruitment efforts at Central Michigan University and Grand Valley State University, also in Michigan. Mr. Crawley has previously traveled throughout Asia and Latin/South America recruiting students and more recently has spent considerable time visiting campuses throughout the U.S. and making presentations at conferences to discuss international student recruitment.