Working hard to get into your college of choice is important, but you must also consider how you are going to pay for your education. If you’re still unsure about where the funds are going to come from, there are many different resources on the web, including student loan calculators and scholarship guides, that can help. Here 20 online resources that will assist you in determining how you can bankroll your higher education.
Student Loan Calculators
Student Loan Repayment Calculator – Map Your Future, an informational site for finding college, financial aid, and career information, features a helpful student loan calculator. Simply input your loan amount to calculate your monthly payment, total interest, and the minimum salary required to repay your loans.
Student Loan Calculator – features a quick and easy-to-use calculator that estimates how long it will take to pay off your student loans.
Loan Calculator – Adventures In Education (AIE) has a free online loan calculator that gives students an in-depth look at their payment schedule for the duration of the loan. To use the calculator, you must be able to provide the amount borrowed, an estimated interest rate, and loan terms.
Chase Student Loan Calculator – This online calculator from Chase Bank allows students to estimate the monthly payments of their loan. To use this calculator, you must have an estimate of your loan term, interest rate, and loan amount.
Loan Calculator and Amortization – This loan and amortization calculator estimates monthly student loan payments. It also calculates the impact extra payments will have throughout the life of the loan.
Student Loan Calculator – College Loan has a unique student loan calculator to help students decide how much they need to borrow for college. You can use it to estimate costs for tuition, room and board, food, books, supplies, and other common items.
Federal Direct Consolidation Loans Online Calculator – Borrow Services provides a way to estimate standard and graduated repayment of federal loans. It works very well for anyone who is considering loan consolidation.
Graduated Repayment Calculator – This online calculator estimates the size of your loan using a graduated repayment plan.
Citi Student Loan Calculator – This loan calculator from Citi allows students to calculate the cost of attending college after scholarships, grants, and other financial contributions.
Edwise Online Financial Planning Guide – Edwise offers an extensive financial calculator that maps out a college budget, loan repayment, post-college budget, and summary report.
Scholarship Resources
Next Student – Next Student provides a free online scholarship search engine with over $5.9 million worth of scholarships and grants. This college funding site also features tools and resources for comparing loans and calculating loan costs. – Since 2001, has been finding scholarships and grants for students. This site provides a constantly updated database with accurate information on over 2.4 million scholarships. – provides free scholarship and financial aid information for students. After creating an online profile, students can find national, local, and state scholarships and grants that match their personal profile.
FinAid – FinAid offers scholarships and graduate fellowships to pay for higher education. This financial aid guide also features loan information, savings tips, and military aid.
FastAid – FastAid has been helping students find scholarships, fellowships, and grants for more than 30 years. This financial aid search engine features an up-to-date database with scholarships that can’t be found anywhere else.
SallieMae – SallieMae’s scholarship database features over 3 million scholarships worth billions of dollars. Students can enter specific information into the database engine to receive a customized list of scholarships.
Fastweb – With 15 years of experience, Fastweb is a great place to find scholarships from sources all over the world. College bound students are matched with scholarships based on qualifications, educational goals, and activities.
Federal Student Aid – The U.S. Department of Education provides a financial aid and scholarship wizard that assists you with calculating financial aid and scholarship searches.
CollegeBoard – CollegeBoard offers students a free online search engine for locating scholarships, grants, internships, and loans. The database contains over 2,300 sources, totaling almost $3 billion.
Free Scholarship Searches – This site for college bound students provides links to more than 20 sites where students can find scholarships.
About the Author
Karen Schweitzer is an education writer who specializes is writing about business education. She is the Business School Guide for She also writes about online school for
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